Month: January 2009

  • Our love is something different. We have movie love.

    There is a really special thing that I like to call Movie Love. It's pretty much self explanitory. A love similar to that which can be found in movies.

    I'm not really one to care for romantic comedies unless I know it's going to be something really spectacular.

    To start off, here are some of my favorite lovey-dovey type movie things (in no particular order) that I sometimes watch when the mood strikes:

    • When Harry Met Sally - The story about how some guys and girls can never be "just friends". I think we all can some way or another relate to this.
    • Say Anything - John Cusack is definitely one of my celebrity crushes. This is an amazing movie about young love. Ahhhh... to be young and in love again. I wish Lloyd Dobbler were real.
    • Enchanted - Disney but still.
    • What Women Want - I haven't seen this one actually but I'm recommeding it because I know it's that good.

    First point I'd like to make, everyone's taste is different. Clearly, not everyone falls for the same guy or girl (Unless you count Easa because he's every girl's dream guy... I hope he doesn't read this). What I would like my movie love to be might not be your idea of movie love at all. In fact, it could be totally opposite!

    Why do we want to be in love like this? Because it mostly always works out in the end. The protagonist always ends up with their love interest. You could even say that it was destiny that brought them together. Sometimes, we turn to these types of movies in hopes that our real-life counterparts can work things out this easily. Unfortunately, most relationship problems don't work out over the course of an hour and a half. If that were the case, we'd all marry our high school sweethearts.

    Most romance stories have distorted my view of how the real world should be. I didn't know it then but my last relationship has turned me into quite a cynic. I don't think there's anything wrong with that though. Being a cynical person cushions the fall a little bit when the people you love the most let you down. Movie love is a great escape from the real world and allows us to fantasize about something so wonderful that someone would want to write a movie about-- one that millions will watch and cry over. In the end, you'll want to be careful when it comes to picturing your perfect romance because things may not turn out the way you'd expect and you'll soon find that it would have helped if your judgement wasn't clouded by that image John Cusack standing outside your bedroom window with a boom box.

    Sadly, we all have to experience a heartbreak of some sort. I think it shows us all how much we really love someone or something and we can take that experience and learn from it.